Dulu masa zaman2 study ada la ikut2 kawan2 g program yg kolej anjurkan..
Ad satu program yg sy pergi tp xingt progrm ap..
yg pasti mlm tu ad persembhan nasyid salah sorangnya Nazrey kump Raihan tu..
Dia ada nyanyi lagu ni....
Masa tgh dgr Nazrey nyanyi lagu ni, sy dpt masej dr org yg invite sy g majlis tu..
Dia tulis lebih kurang camni--> dgr lagu ni betol2
Haha..to be honest memng ad touching la sikit
Tapi xda pape la pastu....xde benda yg pelik2 pn yg berlaku..hehe
Boleh dikatakan tu lagu pertama yg mmbawa kenangan sy dengan seorang lelaki..
Last year i got another 1 song..tp lagu yg ni sgt memberi kesan kot..sampaikan ad satu tempoh tu sy xboleh dgr lagu ni..rasa nak menangis kot everytime dgr..
Pagi td rumet sy pasang lagu tu..Ajaib! sy xrasa pape dah..cuma teringat je.. sy harap sy akan terus boleh dgr lagu tu smp bila2 tanpa ada rsa somtnhg...
Setiap perempuan yg dpt lagu tu pun mesti happy sgt2 especially if yg tujukan lgu tu adalah ''someone''
Saya dpt lagu tu after ktorang berbaik selepas perang dingin hampir sebulan..hehe..
It was happend on April last year..On March before we were discus about our relationship and it was end dengan -----> jalan buntu..so sy ambil kptsan menyepi..senyap2 sesenyap2 nya..
I not really know wat hapen to him..tp ttba somtnhg hapen yg menyebabkan sy rasa sy perlu mengalah..then i contact him back..dapat rsakaan betapa dia sgt releived bila sy kmbali dan masa tu sy rsa sgt bersalah sebb sy xde di saat dia perlukan seseorang..
Then the tomorrow night he gave me the song...the rest is history...
Tu sume kenangan..kita xbleh hidup dalam kenangan..live the present..
I'm ok now..insyaAllah i have d strength because I believe that Allah is always with me..and His plan for us is for sure the best..
In fact I'm very happy for him now and always support and pray for him.. this song is not for me actually..i'm not the one who have the right for this song..it should goes to his future wife now..
When we leave the moment its become a memory..and i will keep this as the very sweet memory in my life..
Sy xde niat nak ingt benda yg lepas..tp sy cuma rasa teruja sebb sy boleh lepaskan that feeling..so i want to write here to be a spirit for me to keep move on..
Saya akan terus dgr lagu ni sampai bila2 tanpa rasa sedih dan kesal..insyaAllah...
sama la..ade je lagu yg berkaitan dgn sesuatu kejadian..tp alhamdulillah, boleh dengar tanpa ada perasaan2 pelik..hihi.. live.love.laugh :)