Monday, 30 April 2012


Miopia bukan popia yer..
Miopia ni bhs scientific..klu bhasa melayunya rabun jauh!

Saya xtahu samada saya dah mula rabun atau ad masalah lain
skang ni tengah sakit kepala..

 I just really realize that i am probably having rabun, hari khamis lepas
jap~b4 this pernah cek mata..sblah 50 sblh lagi 70..xtahu mata belah msa tu consider xrabun coz orang tu ckp mungkin error pd alat..xpayah pkai spek pun ..lgpun sy boleh meliht dgn jelas lagi
and i am very proud of it..mkn lobak sokmo..hehe

hari khamis hari tu g mkn mlm kat luar ngan member rumah..
member ni memng pakai spek..
sy pun tny..
~tv tu memng blur kan?ana nmpk muka najib tu double (kt tv3 tgh buletin utama)..
dia kata~xlah, clear je..Oh My Allah..

Pastu msa nk g pesta buku sabtu ritu
sy tgk muka sume org double and i'm having difficulties to read the direction on d board.
then i start having headache when i force my eyes to read the tulisan because i'am memng kena usaha sndri la nk baca direction tu sume..huhu..rsa mahu nangis je masa tu..beginikah rasanya rabun..Ya Allah sy sungguh sedih..satu nikmat Allah telah ditarik..

Then pagi td, when i'm talking to my boss then i look his face was double also..
owh baru teringat pasal rabun ni coz semlm kat rumah xde la tgk yg jauh2 sgt pun..
then depan pc sy dah start rasa sakit kepala dan rasa nk muntah juga..until now i am still have the headache dan sgt xselesa untk melihat..huhu

i refuse to wear spectacles~xcomel , rupa sy mcm org tua klu pakai specs..huhu
but untk melawan rsa sakit kpl ni sy xsanggup juga..
So esok, i have to check my eyes and make spectacles if needed...hope this is just temporary disturbance and i'm not miopia..i still pray for it..

Friday, 27 April 2012

Kisah malam tadi~

Since i got the news that he wants to get married,i start making confession to all who knows about us..
starting to my family~my mother..i have to tell her the truth..
from A to Z..why i pospon my engagement and all that..
telling her make me so release..within this period of time, menyorokkan sesuatu dr emak n keep avoiding her questions really make me in miserable..Alhamdulillah mak faham..and from my mother of course the whole family will no need to explain much to them..

Then to my close fren of corse..seorang demi seorang..cousin mazen whose care and also always busy body about me..hehe..most of their reaction were same..sad but they encourage me a lot..Someone better will come for u~ sy sgt hepi dgn jwpan2 yg sebegini..this shows that our mentality was increase..klu dulu mesti reaksi kbnykknnya berbeza dr skang..of cos mana2 pihk akn diburkkn or kena kutuk..Alhamdulillah mereka tidak menambah luka di hati saya...

Dalam sy mencari2 siapa lg yg sy xbgtahu ~ because i want everybody clear about this, xde yg terkejut bagai nnt or menyalahkan sesiapa, mlm td sorang kawan baik sy col..then baru sy teringt ad sorang lg kawan sy yg xtahu after gayuting kat telefon dgn kwn yg ni, sy smbung chating dgn yg sorang lg tu untk bgtau ap yg dh jadi..haha

So the story of the night adalah..

reaksi dia after sy bgtau perkra sbnr..
  • wth?!!
  • patut la nmpk gmbr die cr kasut pmpuan, igt nadia punya
  • lorrr.....
  • pe dh jadi?!

Haha.. sebhgian dialog..tkojut kot dia..memng pn rmai yg mom lebih2 lg..hampir nak menagis-aduyai..adik pn xnangis..mak jgnlah nangis..huhu

Okeh sbnrnya nk cite kat cni ialah soalan pasal sambung master..masa berbual kat telefon yg sorang tu tny pasal smbung master, pastu yg sorang ni pn tny ttba sy pun mcm terasa nak smbung master gak..haha..

erm tp honest to say, sy kuat tido skang dan saya malas blaja juga..hihi..

Tapi fikir macam bagus gak kalau buat master ni..tmbh ilmu dan upgrade value diri....tgk la camne nnt..

Tu je nak ckp sbnrnya..introduction punya la panjang dan mngarut juga..pointnya sikit je..hahhaha...

Biarlah..this is my blog..sukati la nk tulis ap..AAK (ada aku kisah?)...hahhaa..MOJ (mak ok je)..hihi..ntah pape la..

Ok stop here..daaa..lets go for lunch!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Life good

Akhirnya blog ni terisi gak..b4 this ntah cam pape je kan..haha
This is because my bos is not in the office..
and kerja pun xbnyk mna..drpd mengantuk2 kebosanan tu buatlah aktiviti creative sikit..hihi

hari ni nak cerita apa yer??erm xda idea nk tulis ap..owh yer..tema blog ini masih sama yer
~cerita hidup sy a.k.a nadia..xde input sgt akan tulis ap yg sy rasa nk tulis

Friday, 20 April 2012

Lagu & Kenangan itu...

Dulu masa zaman2 study ada la ikut2 kawan2 g program yg kolej anjurkan..
Ad satu program yg sy pergi tp xingt progrm ap..
yg pasti mlm tu ad persembhan nasyid salah sorangnya  Nazrey kump Raihan tu..
Dia ada nyanyi lagu ni....

Masa tgh dgr Nazrey nyanyi lagu ni, sy dpt masej dr org yg invite sy g majlis tu..
Dia tulis lebih kurang camni--> dgr lagu ni betol2 be honest memng ad touching la sikit
Tapi xda pape la pastu....xde benda yg pelik2 pn yg berlaku..hehe

Boleh dikatakan tu lagu pertama yg mmbawa kenangan sy dengan seorang lelaki..

Last year i got another 1 lagu yg ni sgt memberi kesan kot..sampaikan ad satu tempoh tu  sy xboleh dgr lagu ni..rasa nak menangis kot everytime dgr..

Pagi td rumet sy pasang lagu tu..Ajaib! sy xrasa pape dah..cuma teringat je.. sy harap sy akan terus boleh dgr lagu tu smp bila2 tanpa ada rsa somtnhg...

Setiap perempuan yg dpt lagu tu pun mesti happy sgt2 especially if yg tujukan lgu tu adalah ''someone''
Saya dpt lagu tu after ktorang berbaik selepas perang dingin hampir sebulan..hehe..

It was happend on April last year..On March before we were discus about our relationship and it was end dengan -----> jalan sy ambil kptsan menyepi..senyap2 sesenyap2 nya..

I not really know wat hapen to ttba somtnhg hapen yg menyebabkan sy rasa sy perlu mengalah..then i contact him back..dapat rsakaan betapa dia sgt releived bila sy kmbali  dan masa tu sy rsa sgt bersalah sebb sy xde di saat dia perlukan seseorang..

Then the tomorrow night he gave me the song...the rest is history...

Tu sume kenangan..kita xbleh hidup dalam the present..
I'm ok now..insyaAllah i have d strength because I believe that Allah is always with me..and His plan for us is for sure the best..

In fact I'm very happy for him now and always support and pray for him.. this song is not for me actually..i'm not the one who have the right for this should goes to his future wife now..

When we leave the moment its become a memory..and i will keep this as the very sweet memory in my life..

Sy xde niat nak ingt benda yg sy cuma rasa teruja sebb sy boleh lepaskan that i want to write here to be a spirit for me to keep move on..

Saya akan terus dgr lagu ni sampai bila2 tanpa rasa sedih dan kesal..insyaAllah...

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Sebahagiannya sudah terjawab~

At this moment i am *&%#Q@%*
sukar untuk diterjemahkan
but at the other side i am very thankful to Allah
Alhamdullilah doa2 sy sebahagiannya telah dimakbulkanNya.

Tiada yg lebih membahagiakn apabila melihat org yg kita syg bahagia..
Finally he was able to decide what the best for him..
and I am happy for him because i know, we know this is the best for us..

So..the 4 years story was end!
After sambung putus sambung putus entah brapa kali...
no hard feeling between us but of cos we are sad..
Tapi yakinlah dengan ketentuan dan ketetapan yg telah Allah aturkan..
Memang telah tertulis sejak azali dia hadir dlm hidup sy untuk membawa seribu pelajaran dan membina benteng kekuatan..
dan telah tertulis juga antara kami memang ditakdirkan hanyalah sebagai kawan.

Everything happen for reason. This thing should be happen 2 years ago.. but we keep fighting to make it last..
be patient, cry, pray to Allah, saling  membangun apabila salah sorang jatuh..face the obstacles together..slowly do the preparation to achieve our dreams...but when Allah say NO..mean No..and we must received it with thankful.

At one moment when i feel like to give up only just becoz of him sy bertahan..walaupun tahu tiada gunanya bertahan..walaupn tahu lebih pahit jika bertahan..walaupun tahu adalah seribu kali lebih baik jika becoz of one reason sy masih  teruskan~kesian pada dia..hargai kesungguhan dia

Hanya pd Allah sy boleh berdoa..supaya dia give up..supaya dia boleh nmpk jln yg baik buat dia
supaya hati dia dilembutkan untk memilih keutamaan yg perlu dia utamakan..hingga smp satu tahap sy harus bertegas..untuk kebaikan kami..walaupn seribu kesedihan..walaupun perlu berkorban perasaan sndri...

Now sekurang2nya sy boleh menarik nafas lega..sudah boleh mula fokus untuk mengatur kehidupan sndri..
dan yang paling pnting sy dah boleh berterus terang kpd semua orang..tiada apa lg yg perlu disembunyikan 
Hidup bebas dan terus memperjuangkan prinsip hidup yg sekian lama dipegang..

Saya xpernah salahkan dia kalau kerana hadirnya dia sy ketepikan seketika prinsip thu ad sebab sy dipertemukan dengan sesuatu yg sy perlu berlajar di situ...oleh itu sy xpernah menyesal wlau sedikit pun malah sgt berterima kasih dgn kehadirannya dlm hidup saya..

Segala2nya sudah terjawab..sekian lama kami mempersoalkan siapa jodoh kami, sebahagiannya sudah terjawab...
To M.Ridzuan AR i wish the best for you and ur future wife..May Allah bless both of u..thank you for the sweet sour and everything we have go through together..and I am very proud of u...when we sacrifice and we do because of Allah, InsyaAllah we will be blessed..Aminnn

Friday, 13 April 2012

Silent is not enough!

Silent is not enough to make ur problem less..
eventhouh we think when we talk less, the problem will be less
but sometimes it doesn't work
there's a people that dont easy when u don't talk

It just spoil my mood...
spoil the environment..
please la dont disturb other people
if you very2 like to talk, just talk
but pls dont get sick when other people dont want talk!

different people has different attitude
the way they work also different
so y some of them so bother when others are not like them??
really dont understand and sick also..

i think i dont make any sins here..
i just do my work..
I just dont talk too much..tht's it!